
Common Household Poisons and Their Treatment

Whether you know it or not, there are things in your house right now that could cause you, or, worse, your children, harm. There are a number of items in your home that could or do contain components that are poisonous to children, adults and pets. The first defense is prevention: secure these items out […]

Keeping Warm and Safe During Cold Weather

This past week of extreme weather throughout Texas was—forgive this word—unprecedented. Snow, extreme cold, loss of heat and light, broken pipes and shut off water. What are we supposed to do in times like this to stay safe, warm, dry and healthy?  A few of the difficulties that you might suffer should you have experienced […]

Safe Cycling

Living in Texas we are apt to be outside and exercising more than in colder climates.  One of the most popular ways of getting aerobic and cardio exercise outdoors is bicycling. Along with the benefit of fresh air, exercise and a rush of endorphins, comes a bit of a risk.  Cycling can be risky if […]

Allergies, Allergies, Allergies

Sniff, sniff.  Cough, cough. Scratch, scratch. Hmmm.  Must be allergy season. Well, since it always seems to be allergy season here in Texas, someone is always looking for relief. And if the cause isn’t seasonal, then they can happen anytime the body reacts to an allergen. Allergies come in many types, sizes and causes.  And […]

Broken Bones and Other Childhood Injuries

As a parent we don’t want significant accidents to occur—but they do. Kids suffer abrasions, cuts, scalds and burns.  They dislocate fingers and break bones. And they swallow things. While we don’t recommend that you encase your young ones in bubble wrap or tape their mouths shut, we do suggest you The most common sources […]

Affairs of the Heart

Take things to heart.  Heartfelt. Places in the heart. But a pain in the heart or your chest—not so romantic. What should you do when you experience chest pains?  Is it your heart or something else? When should you head to the hospital ER or the acute care center? First of all, there are different […]

Migraines and Headaches

To migraine sufferers, a pain in the head isn’t so simple and can be excruciating. When your vision is affected, you can’t sleep and nausea overcomes you, it’s hard to stand, sit or lay down, let alone function even close to normal. Migraines are triggered by a number of factors including hormonal changes, stress, anxiety […]

COVID-19 and Healthcare Workers

As the worldwide pandemic drags on, dragged along with it is an increasing toll on the mental health of those caring for us. Frustration, anxiety, worry and burnout are weighing heavily on those who are on the frontlines caring for the public. From doctors and nurses to sanitation workers to grocery store employees and delivery […]

Pediatric Emergencies

When it comes to our children, nothing stands in our way to ensure their safety and health.  Emergencies can be particularly trying and leaving parents in a quandary at times as to where to turn when their child is injured or falls ill. We are available and able to treat a number of conditions including: […]

Chest Pains and COVID-19

Chest pains in and of themselves are a concern.  In these times of a global pandemic, they take on new significance. If you experience discomfort in your chest, it might include a dull ache, a crushing or burning feeling, a sharp stabbing pain or a pain that radiates to your neck or shoulder.  It could […]