
Chest Pains and COVID-19

Chest pains in and of themselves are a concern.  In these times of a global pandemic, they take on new significance.

If you experience discomfort in your chest, it might include a dull ache, a crushing or burning feeling, a sharp stabbing pain or a pain that radiates to your neck or shoulder.  It could be due to an underlying disease or it could be from heavy lifting, a trauma to the chest or the result of swallowing a large piece of food.

On the list of disease causes of chest pain include heart-related problems.  Usually these pains are also accompanied with shortness of breath, cold sweats, dizziness or weakness and nausea or vomiting.

However, in this time of COVID-19 chest pains could be an indicator of other things.  Since the coronavirus is a respiratory illness, the pain could be associated lung issues, including blood clots.  Clots in the lungs restrict blood flow and are serious, even leading to death.  Usually the clots start in the legs and migrate through the blood stream to the lungs.

In recent COVID-19 cases among children, there is a growing concern for blood clots in the lungs.

Since chest pains can be a concern for any number of reasons, please visit a physician as soon as possible.  And in this time of COVID-19, be concerned for the complications this disease can bring to your health and of those around you.

Give us a call or contact us through our website should you want more information on this condition.

(*photos courtesy of Upsplash)


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