
10 Things That Can Cause Your Nose to Start Bleeding

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10 Things That Can Cause Your Nose to Start Bleeding

The fact that your nose not only contains many tiny blood vessels, but they are also all very close to the surface and can easily be damaged, then you begin to understand just why nosebleeds are so common. While bleeding in your nose can occur in both your nostrils, they usually occur in only one nostril at a time. Nosebleeds can be as a result of a number of reasons, some more serious than others, although the most common causes of nosebleeds are due to dryness as well as nose picking. It is one of those conditions where aspects like symptoms and diagnosis are pretty much straightforward as if you have a bleeding nose, it is quite self-evident. The only thing about nose bleeds that cannot always be clear cut every time is when it comes to the cause as there can be a number of things that can cause your nose to bleed. To help you with this, this article will look to highlight 10 things that can cause your nose to start bleeding.

  1. One of the things that can cause a nose to start bleeding is acute sinusitis, or as is commonly referred to as, a sinus infection. This condition leads to the spaces inside your nose to swell and become inflamed and may damage or injure the many blood vessels inside the nose and therefore cause your nose to bleed. Chronic sinusitis, which is where the condition lasts for more than 12 weeks and doesn’t go away even after receiving treatment, can also cause your nose to start bleeding.
  2. Another thing that can cause your nose to start bleeding is if you suffer trauma to the nose. You may suffer a knock to your nose which may injure the various blood vessels in there causing your nose to bleed. Examples of instances of trauma to the nose include a fall, a hit when playing sports or a punch to the nose. As per the experts over at frontlineer.com, you should seek medical help if you suffer a nosebleed after an accident. If the nosebleed occurs after a car accident or a fall, where you haven’t suffered a direct hit to the nose, then it could be a sign of internal bleeding and you should seek medical help.
  3. Another thing that can cause your nose to bleed is as a result of a foreign body in there. Kids especially shove things up their noses and these can injure the blood vessels in there causing your nose to bleed. This is one of the more common causes of nosebleeds in young kids when they are up and about playing.
  4. Yet another thing that can cause your nose to bleed are bleeding disorders such as hemophilia. This may not be quite common, but folks who have such bleeding disorders are likely to find that they suffer from a bleeding nose quite often. As usual, if you are looking for more information on bleeding disorders then head over to the excellent frontlineer.com.
  5. Another thing that can cause your nose to bleed is if you are on blood thinners such as heparin and warfarin. Blood thinners are medications that are taken to prevent a blood clot from developing and are usually prescribed by a doctor. They are therefore used to prevent serious conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. However, helpful as they are, they can actually cause your nose to start bleeding.
  6. It may sound surprising, but there are instances of common cold that can cause one to start bleeding from their nose. This is because, as is explained by the gurus over at the excellent frontlineer.com, a common cold can lead to the inflammation of the tissues inside the nose which can injure the many blood vessels in there causing one to begin bleeding from the nose.
  7. Yet another thing that can cause your nose to start bleeding is due to the frequent use of nasal sprays. These nasal sprays are used to treat allergies, but can also injure the delicate blood vessels in the nose, and can therefore lead to bleeding from the nose.
  8. Another thing that has been known to cause one’s nose to bleed is from the use of aspirin. This is because, as is explained in detail by the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, aspirin, even though it is a very useful pain-relieving medication, usually interferes with blood clotting and that’s why it can cause one to begin to bleed from their nose.
  9. Yet another thing that can cause your nose to start bleeding are chemical irritants such as ammonia. If you are handling such chemicals, they may irritate the blood vessels in your nose, injuring them and the result may be bleeding from your nose.
  10. Another culprit that may be behind your nose bleeding is a deviated septum. This is when the thin wall between your nasal passages is displaced to one side. This may cause the nasal septum to become dry increasing the chances of a nosebleed from ensuing.

The above are some of the things that may cause your nose to start bleeding, with more on these and other related topics to be found over at the ever reliable frontlineer.com.


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