
The Link between Traumatic Brain Injuries and Dementia


In a recent study it was published that people who suffer from traumatic brain injuries had more chances of developing dementia. And the risk of developing dementia increased in people who suffered from multiple traumatic brain injuries.

Wondering what is dementia? According to Richmond Emergency Trauma Care, dementia is decline in the ability that is so severe that it impacts the routine life. Memory loss is one of the most common forms of dementia.

People often wonder if there is a link between traumatic brain injuries and dementia. But there hasn’t been a concrete study or research that can establish a strong link between the two. However, recently several studies have been conducted to find connection between TBI and dementia and the results speak a lot.

A study was conducted by a renowned Psychiatrist on 2.7 million people. Out of the population as many as 132000 people has suffered from TBI at some or other point in their life. The study further focused on finding medical, psychiatric, or neurological illness in people who have had a history of TBI Vs people who never suffered from traumatic brain injury.

The results were self explanatory. It was found that as compared to people who never suffered from a traumatic brain injury, the chances of developing dementia was 24% more in people who suffered traumatic brain injury in any point in their life. That’s not all; the risk of dementia was triple in people who suffered more than 5 TBIs in their life. And an individual with single instance of TBI had 17% risk of developing dementia.

According to Trauma & Emergency Care in Richmond, the study is just the beginning and there is still that needs to be discover about dementia and its link with traumatic brain injuries. If any of your loved ones suffer from a brain injury, you should immediately seek medical help from 24/7 Trauma Care in Richmond, TX so that the injury is treated as soon as possible and the risk of developing dementia or other complications in future is reduced.


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