
Tips for Dealing with Anxiety after an Emergency

dealing with anxiety

Everyone responds differently in an emergency. Likewise, they are affected differently by one as well. While some may be able to move on with little or no issue, others may experience anxiety for months after the incident. It’s important that this anxiety is addressed, or it can seriously hinder everyday activities. If you are dealing with anxiety after an emergency, here are a few tips on how to ease it.

  • Take a break.

    Often, people try to get right back into the swing of things after an emergency. Sometimes, this is fine. But if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, it might be a good idea to take a step back to process what happened during the incident. Just a weekend to clear your head or even a designated period of time each day could be enough to help clear your head and reset.

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet.

    Anxiety can really mess up a person’s diet, either causing them to overeat or stop eating altogether. Be extra mindful of what you’re eating in the days following your emergency. Fill your diet with energy-boosting foods, which can help you to avoid a potential drop in blood sugar. Also, fill your diet with whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, keeping regular meal times and limiting caffeine and alcohol.

  • Exercise.

    Studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise can help to reduce tension, improve sleep, and boost self-esteem, which all can really help with easing anxiety. Stay physically active to reduce your fatigue, improve your alertness and concentration, and boost your overall cognitive function.

  • Talk to someone about your anxiety.

    Though it may be difficult, talking about your emergency can really help you to process it. Find a trusted friend or family member with whom you can share your thoughts. It may also be helpful to seek professional help in a physician or therapist.

As you are working through your anxiety, remember that you are not alone. Anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million adults in the U.S. and fortunately, they are treatable. The important thing is to address the issue.


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