A Burning Issue – Handling Household Burns

En español Send us your comments (link sends e-mail) Accidental burns can happen just about anywhere in your home, and they’re not always caused by fire. You might get burned by spilling coffee in your lap, touching a hot iron, or misusing certain cleaning products. Burns are skin or tissue damage, usually caused by heat. […]
Burn Institute Teaches Kids Burn Prevention, Fire Safety

November 8, 2021 by Anokhi Saklecha, Northwestern University This student-authored post is published by CPR in partnership with Medill News Service and the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications. The views and opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views, policies, or positions of CPR […]
Ouch! I’ve burned my hand on a hot pan — now what?

By Joel Streed June 7, 2023 It’s easy to get a burn on your arm or hand from a hot pan while cooking. Extremely hot water — over 110 degrees Fahrenheit — can cause burns, as can stoves, fires, hot food and the sun. Most burns are minor and you can manage them at home, […]
Burns: First aid

By Mayo Clinic Staff Burns are tissue damage from hot liquids, the sun, flames, chemicals, electricity, steam and other causes. Kitchen-related injuries from hot drinks, soups and microwaved foods are common among children. Major burns need emergency medical help. Minor burns can usually be treated with first aid. When to seek emergency care Call 911 […]