
Donate Blood. Save Lives.

The U.S. is currently experiencing a severe shortage of blood. Consider being a blood donor. Blood donation is a safe and simple procedure. All donated blood products are carefully tested and then stored or shipped so they are ready for patients who need a blood transfusion.

Your donation can help save lives. Find a blood donation center near you.external link  

  • About every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.
  • Only 3% of age-eligible individuals in the U.S. give blood each year.
  • Most blood typesexternal link fall into one of the four major groups: A, B, AB, O. However, some people have rare blood types that fall outside the major groups, and for these patients, we need a more diverse blood supply.

Share with others the importance of blood donation & safety!African American young man smiling while donating blood

  • Drop-in article: This pre-written article (available in Englishand Spanish) can be used in your newsletters, bulletins, blogs, or website. Or send to your local media for sharing during National Blood Donor Awareness Month.
  • Social Media Resources: Share these resources on social media and tag us @BloodHealthEdexternal link  on Twitter!
  • Fact Sheets: Download or order print copies of these blood donation fact sheets.
  • Video: Watch & share the “Protecting Our Blood Supply” video (available in Englishexternal link and Spanishexternal link ) to learn about how blood keeps us alive and how donated blood is kept safe.


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