As the ultimate junk food nation, we are surrounded by the temptation of empty calories daily. Keeping to a healthy diet is a huge challenge. But the efforts can pay off in healthier and happier you. There are lots of ways to celebrate your favorite foods (and drinks) in July.
While July celebrates National Junk Food Day (no kidding!), that doesn’t mean you have to over indulge nor should you completely abstain. A fast-food burger and fries on an infrequent basis won’t kill you—unless you think in frequent is every other day. Here’s a list of the healthiest fast food places for reference.

If fast food isn’t your thing, perhaps the finer things like wine and cheese appeal to you? The healthy aspects of wine (usually reds and about one glass per day) include being:
- Rich in antioxidants which reduce one’s risk for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
- Containing anti-inflammatory compounds which help keep certain illnesses at bay including heart disease, certain cancers and autoimmune disorders.
- The ability to reduce blood pressure, high cholesterol and metabolic diseases.
- Helping your mental health.
- Lengthen your life.
- Promote gut bacteria the good kind).

And if all else fails, July is National Grilling Out Month. Get the family together and cook your favorite meat over an open flame. Beef, chicken and pork are the usual suspects, but what about seafood and veggies? Yum!
At the end of the day, be sure and watch what you eat and stay safe from those hot coals and outdoor bugs and pests. Enjoy a healthy (and smart) meal and stay safe so you don’t end up in the ER!
Frontline ER prides ourselves in having some of the best-trained ER doctors and nurses around along with state-of-the-art treatments for a variety of conditions. Our facilities are fully equipped and a clean and safe environment, featuring private rooms and a full-service lab and dispensary. We bill out-of-network for most insurance plans but accept what the networks pay.
Frontline ER is an acute care emergency room providing healthcare services to the communities we live and work within. Give us a call or contact us through our website should you have more questions about our services.
*photos courtesy of Unsplash (photographers: Ashley Green, Max Tutak and Dustin Tramel )