
Brain Health Awareness—Staying Sharp

A healthy body is a common topic.  But what about a healthy brain?  Brain health is something we should all be aware of and ready to cope with as we age.

A basic healthy brain begins with:

  • Regular physical exercise
  • Proper food and nutrition
  • Sound medical health
  • Adequate sleep and relaxation
  • A fit mind
  • An active social life

As they say, a sound body leads to a sound mind.  Studies show that those with a healthy body and regular exercise routine suffer less from the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s in their later years.

Eating right puts the right nutrients into your body and bloodstream.

If you regularly see your doctor and make an effort to stay healthy your mind should follow suit.

Sleep and relaxation are how your body, and mind, recharge.

Keeping your mind sharp with regular stimulation—doing that crossword in the Sunday paper, for example—will help you stay mentally on top of things.

Having an active social life with circles of friends keeps your mind—and smile—working.  Remembering names, engaging in conversation, keeps your brain running smoothly.

Frontline ER prides ourselves in having some of the best-trained ER doctors and nurses around along with state-of-the-art treatments for a variety of conditions.  Our facilities are fully equipped and a clean and safe environment, featuring private rooms and a full-service lab and dispensary. We bill out-of-network for most insurance plans but accept what the networks pay.

Frontline ER is an acute care emergency room providing healthcare services to the communities we live and work within. Give us a call or contact us through our website should you have more questions about our services.

*photos courtesy of Unsplash (photographers: Robina Weermeijer and Mpho Mojapelo)



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